The Ultimate Dental Marketing Checklist To Attract New Patients
Marketing is the need of this millennium. With the boom of digitalization, holding the hands of the rapid technological progress that we are witnessing today, competition is evident in every field. In each and every industry we can now find competent players consisting of both the established brands as well as the startup companies who are working hard to cement their own place and to grow.
The medical industry is among countless such industries that have actually benefitted from the growing competition that we witness today. Now, this gives rise to the hunt of making oneself better than all the others that stand as its competitors or rivals. The healthcare industry is one of the oldest of the industries that are surviving today. Besides, the medical industry is also the one that is also among the countable few industries, which is critical to the growth and development of the human race and the world.
The healthcare industry is famous for the diversity that exists within it. It is the industry of medicine that helps people survive and let them get medical aid wherever and whenever it is feasible, even on an emergency basis. All of these make this industry one of the most significant ones if not the most important one across the globe.
The healthcare sector is also known as one of the largest and the most complex when it comes to the U.S. economy. The medical sector accounts for 18% of gross domestic product (GDP) when last reported in 2020. This complexity arises from the large number of departments that the healthcare industry is divided into for the sake of improved workflow and carrying out proper patient diagnostics, followed by thorough check-ups and instant patient surveys and feedback that GrowPractice brings to the practices of today.
Though the medical departments and specialties, as they are called, were fewer when medical science was developing, we now have a number of medical specialties that focus on the different parts of the human body and treat anything associated with the same. Orthopedics, pediatrics, gynecology, internal medicine, general surgery, dentistry, and more. Dentistry or dental medicine is a specialty of medicine that is concerned with the checkup, monitoring, maintenance, and repairing of teeth.

This dental specialty of medicine, like every other specialty, is not only confined within the hospitals, nursing homes, and other larger medical facilities but with the help of other medical facilities like the clinics and practices, has spread to the remotest corners of the globe. Dental practices are growing more and more each day so much so that the competition that exists between one practice and another has increased more than ever.
With each dental practice wanting to get the better of the other one, the overall improvement is markedly great. However, not all dental practices succeed in their attempt of providing the care that the patients need. Many shortfalls are noticed when surveying from one dental practice to another and the most prominent of the failures is the failure of the practice to boost the patient experience.
Patient experience matters much when it comes to a clinic or a practice and is not an alien even when it comes to dental clinics. The experience that a patient has after coming out of a clinic or a medical/dental practice influences the satisfaction rate of the patients and is directly in the patient feedback and surveys. So, ensuring good service, with experienced staff and facilities is the first thing that a dental practice needs to ensure to have an edge in the market over others.
Why should a dental practice embrace dental marketing!
A dental practice, much like the other practices, should leave no stones unturned to boost its brand image and engage its audiences. This will ensure that the practice grows in size and revenue. Along with ensuring top-class services to be extended to the patients, a dental practice shall also embrace proper dental practice marketing from promising dental marketing companies to further boost their reach and drive their sales.
Here are the reasons why the dental practices should go for decent digital marketing for dentists:
Stay Always in Sight and in the Mind of the Audiences
Marketing helps a company be remembered by its customers and other individuals. These individuals can also be among the consumers of the brand in the times upcoming. A continued focus on marketing and coming up with new and improved marketing strategies thus help a dental practice always stay in sight of the patients and other audiences, thereby leading to a growth of the brand image and reputation.
Be Focused and Active
A focus on something is always required for everyone and even for a company. Therefore, if a company is focused deeply on improving its marketing strategies and developing a foolproof marketing plan, and finally manage to implement the same in the right way as is desired, there would be a remarkable improvement in terms of the brand image, size, and revenues. Marketing a brand and constantly keeping in touch with a digital marketing team that is working for the marketing of a dental clinic or practice ensures that the practice owner, manager, and staff are focused on the growth of the practice and keep themselves active!
Attract New Patients
Attracting new patients is not only a boon for the dental practices but helps them grow. As long as there are new patients who are attracted to a particular company or service, the company can hope for obtaining revenues and growing the same. Here dental marketing plays a huge role in ensuring that a dental practice hooks in new patients and provides the care they crave for!
Retain Old Patients
Retention of the old patients is almost as important as it is to obtain new patients. The patients that step into a medical or dental clinic/practice need to be provided with an exemplary experience overall. This is what will help them hit the practice again in terms of emergency and otherwise. Embracing promising dental practice marketing also goes a long way to retain the old patients by sending them reminders, newsletters, inviting them to numerous events, and keeping them informed about the latest happenings and upgrades will help them feel connected to a dental practice. This way it will be easy for them to recall their trustworthy dental provider and approach it time and time again.
Study the Market
Understanding the market and knowing the status of the same is essential for every company and business. This will help the company and, as a matter of fact, a dental or a medical practice too to know their position in the market and prepare for the next phase of growth or improvement. Getting an idea of where a dental practice belongs, the potential and the current market capitalization, and more of their rivals and peers will help the practice gear for growth.
Take the Burden off the Staffs
Dental practice marketing, among all other things, also helps the dental practices to offload some of the burdens off the shoulders of the practice employees. Marketing is a huge thing, which helps the company grow to a huge extent. Now, with the emergence of the promising dental marketing companies that we have in the market, marketing seems way too easy and less tiring.
Cut the Costs
Digital marketing is a growing phenomenon if we say the least. It is a one-of-a-kind marketing technique that has revolutionized the world of marketing forever. Internet with it, brought the speed while being a pathway of digital marketing. Previously, marketing was an expensive affair where companies, clinics, and practices alike, chased popular media for advertisements, and even hit the streets for banners, flexes, and more. However, digital marketing as an alternative to traditional marketing even in the case of dental practice marketing, has become exceedingly cheaper than what it was earlier when there was no digital marketing.
As per the recent survey, a single dentist should see around 24-50 new patients per month to lead a dental practice towards growth. Yes, the number of patients that the dentist sees is directly proportional to the growth in revenues of a dental practice. However, along with that engaging, these patients is quite a challenging feat as well. Proper follow-ups, feedback, sending regular updates and interesting content on relevant topics and discounts, and many more such ideas fueled by proper dental practice marketing strategies are some other things that would result in engaging the patients, keeping in touch with them, and marketing the brand.
Attract new patients easily with this effective and all-inclusive dental marketing checklist!
If you are wondering about attracting new patients or failing to do so, then you might not have explored dental marketing yet or embraced it correctly or thoroughly. This is because opting for digital marketing for dentists is something that always helps them get the better of their peers and rivals each day.
However, you need not worry if you haven't figured out how you would help yourself in digital marketing because here we are with some of the best dental practice marketing techniques that will help you steer onwards to glory and success!Here are some points that you need to take care of in order to boost the dental practice marketing of your provider and attract new patients:
Revisit the office
Revisiting the office is the first thing you need to do before getting on with your digital marketing full-fledged because it is the care you provide, the experience you create, the patients you help, and in what fashion, which helps your dental practice grow.
Now, while revisiting your office you need to make sure that the dental office you have back at your practice, is equipped with the latest office software and systems, cutting-edge equipment, and is online because over 74% of the patients resort to online access when it comes to healthcare. Besides, you also need to ensure that you:
Achieving all of these is easier than ever with GrowPractice, which emerges as a one-stop solution for your medical/dental office.
Reevaluate the medical staffs
The medical staff needs to be experienced and experts in their own domains and should always extend the best greetings possible to the patients. This not only helps the patients stay positive but also helps them in many ways along with improving the overall patient satisfaction ratings. Monitoring the medical staff and evaluating their performance, providing them with proper benefits, and rewarding them for good work will work a long way in helping your dental practice grow in the right way.
Opt for the patient referral systems
Ideally, for an established dental practice, over 70% growth in new patients should be witnessed from internal patient referrals. However, often we find that the patients are least interested in referring others even after they get a good service out of a healthcare clinic/practice. This happens either due to lack of time or the lack of willingness and the latter is more prevalent always. If this is the case, then you can always resort to patient referral bonus options where the patients who refer your practice will get bonus cash or offers and rewards on each referral they make. This will not only boost your revenues but will help in getting your practice a constant patient flow, comprising mostly of new patients, thereby boosting the revenues.
Make use of patient feedback and online reviews
Patient feedback and reviews are among the most valuable pieces of data not only for the dental practice marketing but for the practice too. According to the latest statistics, more than 95% of the patients trust online reviews and go for patient feedback and online reviews before deciding on the place where they would go for checkups.
Therefore it is important that you too put efficient online facilities for the patients to fill up their survey and reviews online. GrowPractice is one of the best medical and dental solutions providers that extend smooth and hassle-free ways of patient feedback and reviews that can be filled by the patients easily. This has already led to a growth of around 65% online reviews and an 85% reduction in negative reviews online.
Know your target audience
Target audience is something that no marketer is ignorant of. This is because it is the right audiences or patients, in the case of dental practices that help the practice earn its revenues. Furthermore, knowing the target audience also helps the practice and its staff to not waste time and focus only on its work and the outcome.
Monitor your presence and revamp it
Checking the online status of a dental practice and finding ways to increase the same is what digital marketing for dentists is all about. Therefore, needless to say, the dental practices need to monitor their digital presence always and make efforts to revamp the same either by themselves or with the help of promising dental marketing companies.
Improve patient followups
The patients, after they leave a medical facility or dental practice, need to be followed up properly to ensure that they complete their present diagnostic checks and are satisfied with the care that they received, and that they will be constantly in touch with your dental practice. Promising patient follow-ups please the patients beyond doubts along with removing the chances of no-shows, and help the practice experience a boost in its reputation and revenues.
Patient engagement is something that a medical or a dental practice simply cannot miss out on. This is because it is the patients' engagements that help the dental and medical practices to improve their revenues along with adding credibility to the brand as well.
Take to Social Media
Social media has led to a transforming change not only in the world of individuals but for companies as well. It is almost a revolution in the lives of everyone and it is not wrong to say that the emergence of social media platforms marked a watershed moment in marketing. Therefore, needless to say, social media now plays a crucial role in the marketing of brands. Similarly, it is critical for dental practices to embrace social media steadily and build a strong brand image there.
Postcard approaches
Postcards or direct mail postcards are growing more in popularity than ever before simply because they are hassle-free and cost-effective. The Maryland dentist has witnessed a growth of over 170 patients per month by mailing direct postcards. Postcard marketing has proven to be time-tested and effective in more than one case including the Colorado dental startup, which achieved a whopping 1175% return on investment with postcard marketing.
Improve the marketing copy
Marketing copies plays a huge role in building a brand. The contents that are forwarded in social media or other advertisements should be catchy and engaging. Furthermore, it also needs to make sure that they are properly phrased with relevant statistical data to grab more eyes. Therefore, improving the marketing copies is one of the first things that you need to do to kickstart your dental practice marketing.
Engage expert marketers
Taking care of digital marketing for dentists is not only time-consuming but is quite ineffective if not done with proper experience. This is why dental practices generally opt for dental marketing companies to handle their marketing. Therefore, engaging expert marketers is something that you can always resort to if you want to revamp your dental provider and the way it performs.
Trust your content
'Content is the king', says the world of digital marketing and the marketers of all time. Therefore, it is essential that the content for the dental practice is always perfect and the audiences find it engaging. Improving the content is one of the primary things that you should not forget to do while working for digital marketing for dentists.
Believe in SEO and other digital marketing techniques
SEO, SMO, SEM, SMM, Content marketing and more are some of the niches of digital marketing. These digital marketing strategies, if wielded carefully and expertly, can revamp a brand in no time. These strategies are cost-effective and usually prove extremely effective for dental practices and medical practices if done right.
Optimize your website
The website is the key to a brand or an individual. Therefore, even when it comes to dental practices, they must make sure that their websites are updated, smooth, streamlined, and contain relevant, error-free information in a lackluster way. Bulky and untidy websites and time-consuming websites often repel patients. This is why optimizing the website is a priority for a medical or dental service provider.
There are many more simple ways to attract new patients, Some of them are mentioned below:
Choose GrowPractice and aid your dental marketing effortlessly!
GrowPractice is a leading name in the world of healthcare. With cutting-edge tools and software systems built to transform the medical and dental offices, GrowPractice helps medical and dental practices to get the best of their digital marketing. The unique list of offerings that GrowPractice promises include:
Along with all these that Growpractice offers the private medical and dental practices of today, it also guarantees optimum security because it is HIPAA-compliant, implement multi-level security, and has strong encryption. The tools and solutions that GrowPractice is bringing in today are massively helping the healthcare practices to attract new patients and retain them for a long time and will surely give you an edge over your peers and rivals. It has already resulted in adding around $60,000+ revenues per provider, increased the patient satisfaction ratings by 97%, reduced no-shows by 89%, and more. So, why not choose GrowPractice to enhance your dental marketing and grow your practice.