How to create a personalized experience for patients?
Everyone wants an experience that would suit their purposes, which will be fast and convenient for them, and one that they would fall in love with. However, creating such personalized experiences was also tough but not impossible. With the emergence of the new-age technology and the discovery of cutting-edge software and systems, such personalized experience has become a reality in all the major industries. The healthcare sector is one such industry where the patient experience is important just like the customer experience, which is central in other industries.
Customer experience is crucial for any business including the healthcare industry. Besides, with the rise in the competition in the healthcare sector much like the other sectors, the customer journey experience has become one of the most notable factors to improve the patient satisfaction rate and enhance the practice revenues.
Looking at the customer experience statistics, we can now discover that customer-centric companies emerge as 60% more profitable entities than those that don't care for the customer experience.
Did you know that over 66% of the patients expect the companies/providers to understand their needs? This makes more and more practices and healthcare units wield patient-first practices and embrace everything new that is designed to deliver the patients with personalized experiences and thereby, improve their experiences in real-time.

Why will customer personalization help you be halfway through to winning the game?
Customer personalization will help companies, healthcare practices, and other units, help extend convenience and all the facilities that are tailored to the patients' requirements, thereby enhancing the patient experience and boosting patient satisfaction rates.
Here's why you would need to look for creating personalized patient experiences:
Patients prefer personalized patient experiences
Over 80% of the patients have mentioned that they are unhappy with their patient experience. This means that they can even switch their providers in want of better services, which is why patient experiences need to be enhanced. Customer personalization in practices can help them offer personalized patient experiences that will treat every patient as a different individual and help them get the treatment and facilities they want.
It reduces patient wait time
Patient wait time is a significant challenge that healthcare practices witness, and it has always been so. Around 30% of the patients have walked out of their appointments due to long and undesirable wait times. Wait times are mainly due to practices not considering patients' time as valuable, and to do so, they can simply implement the latest patient management software from GrowPractice, which are fast and efficient. The medical office software and systems from GrowPractice also pledge to help the practices cut off the undesirable wait time that 84% of the patients declare crucial when it comes to their patient experience.
Patient personalization fosters a good relationship
A good relationship between patient and practice leads to a happy and desirable outcome for both. Such a relationship ensures that the patients stay loyal to the practice and the practice continues to serve them with an equally unshakable dedication.
Excellent patient experiences improve patient inflow
Patients want their experiences to be good, and clearly, if they have decent experiences in a practice, then that would lift the patient inflow. This is the reason why a large number of patient practices are now focusing on their patient experiences, and inching forward to boost the same.
Personalizing patient experiences retains the old patients
Studies reveal that around 85% of the customers always want to go back to a familiar store to buy their sundry goods if their previous experience was good. This is more so when it comes to healthcare practices. The patients' health and well-being, all depend on the practices and the treatment and facilities they receive there. This is why they will certainly go back to a practice that has treated them well and has successfully churned out satisfactory experiences for them. Personalized experiences will further boost the retention of the old patients for the practices.
It improves practice credibility
Credibility is really important for businesses and companies including the practices and other medical units in the healthcare sector. A reputed practice that has garnered a reputation throughout the years and is hailed for the positive patient reviews and patient satisfaction rates stands a more prominent chance, unlike the others.
So, here we can safely conclude that the patient experiences play a crucial role in the practices and that decent patient experiences lead to a boost in reputation, and credibility, enhance patient satisfaction rating and improve the overall quality of the healthcare extended to the patients. Though patient experiences were something that was the focus of all of the healthcare players, they could hardly personalize them as easily as they can do it now.
Yes, the modern technology and the advancement of the same have proved really beneficial for the healthcare industry in that they have not only helped the practices and other healthcare units be efficient, but also helped the patients enjoy an optimum experience out of their healthcare journeys. Customer personalization is one of the major strategies that the practices now use to ramp up their patient experiences significantly.
How to build personalized experiences for the patients effortlessly?
Personalized patient experiences are the key to creating successful patient experiences today. Personalization in the practices and medical units today is helping the patients get what they have always wanted, which is boosting the patient inflow and helping practices grow. Such experiences have been transforming indeed with GrowPractice's medical software solution, which makes practices build memorable personalized experiences for the patients effortlessly.
Customer experience statistics reveal that the providers tend to lose over 38% of their patients due to poor personalization practices. This can well be avoided and the practices can easily strengthen their practices to offer personalized patient experiences without any hassles. If you are also counting on the same, then here are some easy ways with which you can build personalized experiences for the patients easily:
Hold patient-centered communications
Engaging in patient-centered communications has proved to be hugely effective for the practices. When it comes to the healthcare decisions of the patients, then the practices can simply let the patients decide. Such a step will empower the patients by promoting a patient-first environment, enhance the patient's well-being and increase the patient satisfaction rates. Moreover, patient-centered communications will also strengthen the patient-practice relationships.
Offer fast and convenient digital experiences
Digital experience is something that every practice should now be focusing on. With over 59% of the GenY patients and a considerable number of patients from different age groups preferring to change their providers to one with better online access, you cannot simply ignore implementing digital software and systems for the patients. Whether it is for scheduling patient appointments, following them up and reminding them of the same, collect patient payments and patient feedback, GrowPractice is the single most efficient patient and practice management solutions provider that brings smart and effective digital medical office software and systems for practices.
Keep your EHR/PM software handy for the patients
Over 83% of patients have used their patient portals to access their test results, and over 78% of them have mentioned that they use these portals for various other purposes. Thus, the EHR/PM software is much in demand today, which helps practices offer real-time patient data to the patients and help them share the same effortlessly with others too without any hassles.
Patient followups and reminders prove to be a boon
Patient follow-ups and reminders form an integral part of the healthcare industry today. With the busy lives that people are living, they tend to forget even their basic requirements, which include health checkups and treatments. The latest study reveals that over 55% of the patients today expect their providers to send an automated text, voice, and email reminders to request them to schedule their appointments or take medications.
Enhance security
Security is the primary requirement of the companies, especially, which belongs to the industries where the penetration of digital software and technology has been noticeable. The healthcare sector is undoubtedly one such industry, which has seen almost a revolution with the emergence of the new-age software and technology, which is why security is a priority for the same. Besides, the medical industry deals with PHI, which is safeguarded by the HIPAA guidelines and other regulatory bodies. This urgent need for security gave birth to GrowPractice, which offers trusted medical office software solutions that are HIPAA-compliant, safeguarded with multi-level security, and are secure with robust data-encryption practices to help patients and practices immune to data leaks and cyberattacks.
Some other ways that will further the personalization of the experience for patients easily are:
• Automation of the customer experience - Automating the customer experience and the practice systems can help the practices achieve a decent, personalized experience for their patients easily. The automatic processes that GrowPractice brings, make practices smooth and fluent with its data integration and workflow, thereby making the patient's journey fast and with zero troubles.
• Flexibility in terms of payments - Payment flexibility is important every time and everywhere, which increases practice collections and boosts revenues. This flexibility can also be achieved with GrowPractice all-around practice solutions.
• Transparency of the cost and wait times - Transparency is one of the most crucial factors that influence patient experiences. This transparency mainly lacks in cost and wait times. Over 53% of the patients mentioned that the knowledge of the patient wait times would significantly improve their experience, revealed the latest customer experience statistics. Furthermore, around 65% of patients feel that patient wait time transparency is critically important for the practices. To furnish your practice with transparency, GrowPractice is what you can go for, which will bring trusted medical office solutions to revamp your practice.
GrowPractice helps revolutionize the customer journey experience!
GrowPractice is a medical office software solutions provider that is not only trusted by the private medical offices/ practices and urgent care units but also by many of the US Federal Government agencies, which streamlines the practice workflow and provides personalized experiences for the patients. With GrowPractice, practices can now also customize the patient workflow completely, and benefit from a wide array of custom solutions that GrowPractice provides today. So, stop waiting, try them now, and get an edge over your rivals and peers.