Best practices for medical practice staffing
The staff makes the most important element for companies around the world. This makes staffing crucial irrespective of the organizations and the industry they belong to. When it comes to the medical industry, the medical staff or the people who work in the medical sector is all the more crucial.
We have all witnessed the break out of the coronavirus pandemic. Throughout the pandemic and even after it, industries have languished, organizations toppled, and some were even uprooted. The healthcare industry also saw the devastating effects of the pandemic and has certainly been on the receiving end of things worse.
The medical industry, along with a significant number of its patients, has lost numerous medical staff too including doctors, nurses, practice administrators, practice managers, and other healthcare staff. Many of them have also permanently quit their jobs, thereby bidding adieu to the medical industry.
The US healthcare industry has reportedly seen 1 in every 5 medical workers exit their jobs. Such a huge scale of resignation has certainly made it difficult for the industry, and now that the sector has seen a significant downfall in the cases, with the worst already passed, proper medical practice staffing is really essential.

What is medical practice staffing?
Staffing can be referred to as the whole system of finding, selecting, and hiring employees, along with evaluating and developing a working relationship with the present employees and those that are hired in the future. Medical practice staffing is a phrase that indicates the hiring, evaluation, and development of a working relationship with the medical practice staff.
Why is proper staffing important for medical practices?
Medical practices are healthcare organizations that pledge to take care of the patient's physical health and mental well-being. The primary aim of proper staffing in an office, including the medical offices of the practices, is to fill the numerous roles in an organization with fitting candidates.
Given the latest scenario of the medical industry, proper staffing is urgently required for most medical practices today. The employees in a medical office should be efficient, trustworthy, and experienced in order to help the medical practices grow. All of these can be ensured by appropriate medical staffing services.
Some of the most important reasons why adequate quality staffing is needed for medical providers are:
To ensure the proper functionality after the pandemic
Proper staffing can ensure decent functionality in the practices. This has significantly lowered in case of many medical practices since the pandemic broke out with their doctors, nurses and medical staff falling mentally or physically ill/burdened and leaving their jobs.
Nearly 18% of the medical staff have left their providers since the coronavirus pandemic outbreak. 12% of the healthcare workers were even reported to have been laid off by the medical providers. All of these and their worse aftereffects can be prevented by relying on proper staffing along with embracing the best medical office provider tools and software brought to you by GrowPractice.
Maximize the workflow at the practices
The primary thing that can boost the practice workflow is its staff, their experience, coordination, and how they are positioned. All of these rolls down to the staffing process. Now, if a medical provider has proper staffing done, then productivity is something that would be greatly benefitted. Proper medical practice staffing ensures that the practices have expert professionals working for them, who are meticulously screened.
Secure the processes and boost credibility
Medical practices count on the PHI and their security. However, it is the healthcare industry that witnesses numerous data breaches throughout the year.
As per 2021 reports, the US healthcare industry has reported nearly 330 data breaches. These breaches of patient sensitive data not only costs the practices money but also stains their reputation considerably. The average cost of the data breaches in the US healthcare industry was last estimated at around $15 million. This can be significantly brought down with the use of secure, HIPAA compliant medical office software, patient and practice management systems from GrowPractice.
Reduce the overall burden of work
Apart from the fear of the pandemic and more diseases of its like, the work pressure is one another major cause that drove the healthcare staff and medical professionals to their resignation.
Now that the situations have bettered, it is important that the medical providers value their staff and avoid resignations, and the first step here should be a keen focus into the medical practice staffing. This will lead to boosting healthy patient-practice relationships along with restricting the workload that falls on them.
Enhance the patient experiences
Boosting the patient experiences is the primary objective of the medical practices of now. Enhancing the experiences of the patients individually will further go on to empower the patients, which will help in attracting new patients and retaining the old ones.
Medical staff become priceless assets to the medical practices, and in order to build more such assets at your practice, it is important to choose fitting medical staff that will help your practice stand out.
So, if you are a practice administrator or a practice manager/owner, it is obvious that you need to give more importance to the medical practice staffing.
Smart practices for practice managers/administrators for effective medical practice staffing!
If you are wondering how you can get the best healthcare staff, then don't know worry! This is because here we have curated the best strategies/practices that will help you get the best of medical staff at your practice:
Look for appropriate areas/roles for staffing
Staffing is required whenever there are vacancies, decent roles required for medical units and practices. Never go for hiring staff if you cannot find specific roles where you can deploy the same.
Focus on the hiring process
The hiring process comes right at the initially phases of staffing, and it needs to be stringent and perfect in order to help the practices get loyal, smart, and effective medical practice staff.
Designing a decent hiring process where the candidates are duly screened and interviewed is one such thing that the practices can never miss out on!
Communicate with your present medical staff
Medical staff often face the problem of fitting into a particular role, at a specific medical practice, just like any other staff working in other industries. This depends on the practice, its employees and its work culture, which is again majorly dependent on the medical staff themselves.
However, this problem can well be eradicated with the present medical staff knowing the new staff joining their organisation, and about him/her from before. This is the reason why you need to discuss with your present medical office staff before going for a new hiring.
Choose trustworthy professionals over everything else
Going for loyal professionals over experience, influences or referrals, is simply a winner! This is hugely trending across industries today and should be the primary focus when it comes to choosing medical staff for a medical practice.
The medical industry is known for its sensitive data or the PHI that are regulated by the HIPAA guidelines, which need to be safeguarded at any cost. Here, the medical practice staff plays a pivotal role because it is through the healthcare staff working a healthcare unit that most of the biggest data leaks happened to date.
Evaluate the performance of healthcare staff frequently
A performance assessment is mandatory for all offices across industries, around the world, and the healthcare industry is certainly not an exception.
So, don't shy away from regular evaluation of the medical staff and their performances. This will help you empower the staff and bolster medical practice staffing all the way!
Enable distinct channels for internal communications
Whatever the organisation it may be, proper communication is always one of the things that need not be compromised on.
Good and defined communication channels not only help the medical practices discuss the present situation and how to manage the same effectively, but also help chalk out the future plans and remedies that might be effective in the days ahead. Transparent communication with distinct channels that are 24x7 in operation help medical practices and the medical practice staff focussed and well-coordinated, with minimum troubles and distractions.
Stay open to restructuring
No role is absolute. A medical practice may initialy deploy a healthcare staff in a particular role, but he/she need not always serve the same role. Here, proper medical staffing is needed to take over.
A medical practice that is empowered with proper medical practice staffing services should be open to restructuring, which will help shuffling of the roles and would bring out the best positions fit for the medical staff. The restructuring of management, involving the practice managers and administrators, and the other employed medical staff helps practices retain their staff efficiently while keeping them satisfied with their roles and responsibilities!
Look after the remuneration of the medical staff
The salary is the primary drive for the workers working for a particular organisation in any given industry. Now if the central motivator is compromised, then that would certainly leave the staff dissatisfied with their roles all the time.
Surveys have revealed that nearly 60% of the Americans think that the nurses, healthcare staff and other medical office staff are underpaid. Besides, it was also disclosed in the same survey that 11% of them even feels that the doctors are underpaid.
Such a thing is a big concern for all healthcare providers, looking after which is an urgent need for the medical practice staffing team.
Stop the culture of medical staff working overtime
No organisation wants to have their workers working overtime. Working overtime is an evil, not so much in disguise now. In fact, the employees are also less inclined to work overtime just because of some extra bucks.
Practice staffing should therefore, keep this in mind, and staff the medical practices adequately to remove the overtime working culture.
Choosing GrowPractice will be a boon for your medical practice staffing! Why?
GrowPractice is a reputed medical office solution provider that brings a wide range of practice and patient management software and tools, which notably help both the healthcare staff and medical practice staffing.
Along with several private medical offices/practices and urgent care units where GrowPractice sofware solutions are used, GrowPractice is also trusted by many US Federal Government agencies.
If you still haven't gone with GrowPractice yet, it is high time now. Here's how GrowPractice will enhance staffing abd prove a boon for your medical practice:
• GrowPractice offers automatised software and tools
• The GrowPractice software solutions are secure, and HIPAA compliant
• GrowPractice extends advanced facilities to customise patient workflow
• Billing software from GrowPractice helps accurate, digitised billing options
• Payments are fast and flexible with GrowPractice
• GrowPractice also offers advanced facilities for collecting patient surveys and reviews
GrowPractice has managed to reduce 75% of staff time on phone. This has made the providers save over 500 precious hours. So, why wait, when you can bring a significant change at your practice? Reach out to GrowPractice now and check out the difference!